
All posts by Straight Flush

Spades Region State Tournament Qualifier will be held on Monday, January 27, 2020 at Cedarvale Lanes/Fitz’s Bar. Registration opens at 6:30p and cards are in the air at 7p.

Spades Region includes: Adagio’s, Casper’s, Cedarvale Fitz’s, Palmer Lake VFW, and Biff’s

The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. Each of the links below will take you to the page with the details of each tournament as well as the list of those who qualified.

If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.

The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.

Lorraine Hamilton Adagios
Paul Neuberger Adagios
Mark Nelson Adagios
Richard Allen Adagios
Jane Neuberger Adagios
Nate French Adagios
Ernie Christensen Adagios
Chicken Wing Adagios
Bill Wallace Adagios
Derek Fritze Adagios
Qadira Bradshaw Adagios
Jennifer Bezhig Adagios
Tim Prehn Cedarvale/Fitz
Myke Zurn Cedarvale/Fitz
Jarrod Loerzel Cedarvale/Fitz
Sandi Raines Cedarvale/Fitz
Sam Anderson Cedarvale/Fitz
Dwayne Garwood Cedarvale/Fitz
Paul Baumgard Cedarvale/Fitz
Connor Pelch Cedarvale/Fitz
Sean P Cedarvale/Fitz
Bud Abbott Cedarvale/Fitz
Sever Cedarvale/Fitz
Dean LeMieux Caspers
Joel Carter Caspers
Mike Renlund Caspers
Sam T Caspers
Bryan Stanton Caspers
John L Caspers
Jason Leurquin Caspers
Paul Neuburger Palmer Lake VFW
Craig Tekse Palmer Lake VFW
Michael P Nelson Palmer Lake VFW
Mike Miller Palmer Lake VFW
Bill Schultz Palmer Lake VFW
Dan Witt Palmer Lake VFW
Al Wuori Palmer Lake VFW
Ricardo Barrett Palmer Lake VFW
Taquinia Douglas Palmer Lake VFW
Murray Herstein Palmer Lake VFW
Vernon Blanchard Palmer Lake VFW
Curtis Petersen Biffs Wednesday
Justice Calane Biffs Wednesday
Kerri Madden Biffs Wednesday
Ken M Biffs Wednesday
Mike Flynn Biffs Wednesday
Leland Warren Biffs Wednesday
Jermaine Wiley Biffs Wednesday
Happy Dave Biffs Wednesday
Jen Ware Biffs Wednesday
Brandon Schultz Biffs Wednesday
Scott Rochat Biffs Friday
Grizz Biffs Friday
Glenn Brown Biffs Friday
Jannell Brown Biffs Friday
Lewis Wood Biffs Friday
Rick Golden Biffs Friday
Joseph Lockhart Biffs Friday
Kader Biffs Friday
Miss Ann Biffs Friday

Hearts Region State Tournament Qualifier will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020 at Jersey’s Bar & Grill. Registration opens at 12:30p and cards are in the air at 1p.
Hearts Region includes: Kaposia Club, Park Place, Jersey’s, Willie’s Restaurant
The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. 
If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.
The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.
Steve Woodbeck Kaposia Club – Sundays
Irene Goldberg Kaposia Club- Sundays
Zack Ostertag Kaposia Club- Sundays
Ray Morris Kaposia Club- Sundays
Ahmed Osman Kaposia Club- Sundays
War Bear Kaposia Club- Sundays
Brandon Switch Kaposia Club- Sundays
Blake Goodmanson Kaposia Club- Sundays
ICECUBE Kaposia Club- Sundays
John Shively Kaposia Club- Sundays
No Bar Winner Kaposia Club – Thursdays
Kirk Woodbeck Kaposia Club- Thursdays
Zane Kaposia Club- Thursdays
Dan Gunderson Kaposia Club- Thursdays
Scott Hirschey Kaposia Club- Thursdays
Gabe Contreras Kaposia Club- Thursdays
Bonnie Woodbeck Kaposia Club- Thursdays
Mark Haynes Willies Restaurant
Bill Sylvander Willies Restaurant
BBQ Dan Willies Restaurant
Wally P. Willies Restaurant
Deanna Olson Willies Restaurant
Kim Neal Willies Restaurant
Jesse Begordis Willies Restaurant
Shane Grass Willies Restaurant
Jake C Willies Restaurant
Mike Beberg Jerseys
Max Fahrenheit Jerseys
Melissa Steiner Jerseys
John Kennedy Jerseys
Joey Nyberg Jerseys
James Phillips Jerseys
Dave Radunz Park Place Wednesday
Patrick Tima Park Place Wednesday
Nancy Hagen Park Place Wednesday
Dennis Yaritz Park Place Wednesday
Nate Muller Park Place Wednesday
Jenni Westland Park Place Wednesday
Brandan Rank Park Place Wednesday
Bob Davis Park Place Wednesday
Keegan Brouillette Park Place Wednesday
White Castle Park Place Friday
Broberg Park Place Friday
Mike Gaynor Park Place Friday
Steve Wolfsteller Park Place Friday
Linda Lou Park Place Friday
Brad Kruse Park Place Friday
Ame Fink Park Place Friday
Donald Munter Park Place Friday


The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. Each of the links below will take you to the page with the details of each tournament as well as the list of those who qualified.

If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.

The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.

The State Tournament will be held on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at Running Aces Casino. Registration will begin at 10:00am and the tournament will begin promptly at 12:00pm.

Spades Region qualifier will be hosted by Invictus Brewing/Tipsy Steer on Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 1pm (includes Adagio’s, Casper’s, Cedarvale Fitz’s, Palmer Lake VFW, Invictus/Tipsy Steer, and Biff’s)

WSOP 2019D Spades Region Qualifer

Clubs Region qualifier will be hosted by Pub 55 on Monday, April 8, 2019 at 7pm (includes Barnboard, Brookside Pub, Pub 55, Schuggy’s, and White Bear Bar)

WSOP 2019D Clubs Region Qualifer

Hearts Region qualifier will be hosted by Jersey’s Sports Bar on Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 7pm (includes CKaposia Club, Park Place, Jersey’s, Willie’s Restaurant)

WSOP 2019D Hearts Region Qualifier

Diamonds Region qualifier will be hosted by The Pour House Pub on Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 1pm (includes Chanhassen Legion, Medina, Detour 19, PourHouse)

WSOP 2019D Diamonds Region Qualifier

Hearts Region qualifier will be hosted by Jersey’s Bar & Grill on Thursday, April 11, 2019  at 7pm (includes Kaposia Club, Park Place, Jersey’s, Willie’s Restaurant)

The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. Each of the links below will take you to the page with the details of each tournament as well as the list of those who qualified.

If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.

The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.

The State Tournament will be held on Sunday, April 28, 2018 at Running Aces Casino. Registration will begin at 10:00am and the tournament will begin promptly at 12:00pm.

Andy Minten Jerseys
Dave Mason Jerseys
Tya Beberg Jerseys
Dawn Bergk Jerseys
Nate Muller Jerseys
Jeff Scherer Jerseys
Carolyn LeDuc Jerseys
Chad Mertz Jerseys
John Kennedy Jerseys
Zeke Rivera Jerseys
Zack Ostertag Jerseys
Owen Chavie Jerseys
Bradley Sargent Jerseys
J.J. Anderson Jerseys
John Shively Jerseys
Brad Kruse- TD Jerseys
No Bar Winner Kaposia Club
Melissa Steiner Kaposia Club
Linda Kaposia Club
Deanna Olson Kaposia Club
Corky Kaposia Club
Steve Woodbeck Kaposia Club
Joe Montelongo Kaposia Club
Tim Jugovich Kaposia Club
Kim Neal Kaposia Club
Kansas- TD Kaposia Club
Kirk Woodbeck Park Place Friday
Jenni Westland Park Place Friday
Bob Isaacson Park Place Friday
Broberg Park Place Friday
Karam Park Place Friday
Eric Brown Park Place Friday
Chad Morris Park Place Friday
Zane Park Place Friday
Bonnie Woodbeck Park Place Friday
Mike Gaynor Park Place Friday
Twigz Park Place Friday
BBQ Dan Park Place Friday
Brandon Switch Park Place Friday
Nick Wilson Park Place Friday
Dennis Yaritz Park Place Friday
Eric Sanders Park Place Friday
Bob Davis Park Place Friday
Matt Husnik Park Place Friday
Lacey Wilson Park Place Friday
Donald Munter Park Place Friday
Toni Fourcault Park Place Friday
Paul Tollefson Park Place Friday
Roger Seeger Park Place Friday
Hector Moreno Park Place Friday
Marc Rose Park Place Friday
AT Park Place Friday
DJ Park Place Friday
Mike Ritland Park Place Friday
Jordan Ales- TD Park Place Friday
Patrick Tima Park Place Wednesday
Zane  Park Place Wednesday
Tony Garofalo Park Place Wednesday
Mark Rose Park Place Wednesday
Ashley Mason Park Place Wednesday
Brandan Rank Park Place Wednesday
Max Fahrenheit Park Place Wednesday
Dan Haverstein Park Place Wednesday
Joey Nyberg Park Place Wednesday
Tony Casey- TD Park Place Wednesday
Garrett Blanchfield Willies Restaurant
War Bear Willies Restaurant
Kansas Willies Restaurant
Shane Grass Willies Restaurant
Dale Palmer Willies Restaurant
Gary L Willies Restaurant
Tommy Yanez- TD Willies Restaurant

Diamonds Region qualifier will be hosted by The Pour House Pub NYA on Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 1pm (includes Chanhassen Legion, Medina, Detour 19, PourHouse)

The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. Each of the links below will take you to the page with the details of each tournament as well as the list of those who qualified.

If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.

The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.

The State Tournament will be held on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at Running Aces Casino. Registration will begin at 10:00am and the tournament will begin promptly at 12:00pm.

Mike Miller Detour 19 Sunday A
Jim Reader Detour 19 Sunday A
Bill Schultz Detour 19 Sunday A
Debbie Arens Detour 19 Sunday A
David Dorn Detour 19 Sunday A
David Rathke Detour 19 Sunday B
Libby Heaps Detour 19 Sunday B
Bob Watson Detour 19 Sunday B
Kevin W Pourhouse
Dan Mueller Pourhouse
Erik Peterson Pourhouse
Nick Larsen Pourhouse
Alyssa Ulrich Pourhouse
Bob Hinnenkamp Pourhouse
Russell Havenor- TD Pourhouse
Bud Abbott Chanhassen Legion
Bob Topinka Chanhassen Legion
Jan Haase Chanhassen Legion
Dick Krueger Chanhassen Legion
Steve Buechler Chanhassen Legion
Randy Cyr Chanhassen Legion
Robin Kerber Chanhassen Legion
Chris Wilson Chanhassen Legion
Jon Kelm Chanhassen Legion
Ben Prochaska Chanhassen Legion
James Browne Chanhassen Legion
John Pollock Chanhassen Legion
Marcus Pleiss Chanhassen Legion
Jason Tibke- TD Chanhassen Legion
Irving Kellman Medina Thursday A
Michael P Nelson Medina Thursday  A
Jack Ferguson Medina Thursday  A
Paul Neuburger Medina Thursday  A
Natasha S Medina Thursday  A
Tony Ajsenberg Medina Thursday  A
Mike Totz Medina Thursday  A
Tracey Biegert- TD Medina Thursday  A
Julie Halvorson Medina Thursday B
Ruth Breen Medina Thursday  B

Clubs Region qualifier will be hosted by Pub 55 on Monday, April 8, 2019 at 7pm (includes Barnboard, Schuggy’s, Pub 55, Brookside Pub, and White Bear Bar)

The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. Each of the links below will take you to the page with the details of each tournament as well as the list of those who qualified.

If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.

The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.

The State Tournament will be held on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at Running Aces Casino. Registration will begin at 10:00am and the tournament will begin promptly at 12:00pm.

Rich Heller Barnboard
Jerry Wold Barnboard
Graham Oas Barnboard
Jon Jurisch Barnboard
Scott Kuehne Barnboard
Scott Strader Barnboard
John Nash- TD Barnboard
Jeff Pickens White Bear Bar Sunday A
Michael Mattson White Bear Bar Sunday A
Kristi La Valle White Bear Bar Sunday A
Blek G White Bear Bar Sunday A
John Christensen White Bear Bar Sunday A
Marques Young White Bear Bar Sunday A
Dan Rehbein White Bear Bar Sunday A
Kathy Caron- TD White Bear Bar Sunday A
Larry L L White Bear Bar Tuesday A
Pete Verhulst White Bear Bar Tuesday A
Lee Price White Bear Bar Tuesday A
Jim Gese White Bear Bar Tuesday A
Keith Johnson White Bear Bar Tuesday A
Theresa Weber White Bear Bar Tuesday A
Anthony Perkins White Bear Bar Tuesday B
Zack Ostertag White Bear Bar Tuesday B
Ray Ostertag White Bear Bar Tuesday B
No Bar Winner Brookside Pub
Jack Burke Brookside Pub
Jill Burke- TD Brookside Pub
Mike Johnson Schuggys Tuesday
Doug Boles Schuggys Tuesday
Steve Johnson Schuggys Tuesday
Matt Coopet Schuggys Tuesday

Spades Region qualifier will be hosted by Invictus Brewing Co. and The Tipsy Steer on Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 1pm (includes Adagio’s, Casper’s, Cedarvale Fitz’s,Palmer Lake VFW, Invictus/Tipsy Steer, and Biff’s)

The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. Each of the links below will take you to the page with the details of each tournament as well as the list of those who qualified.

If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.

The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.

The State Tournament will be held on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at Running Aces Casino. Registration will begin at 10:00am and the tournament will begin promptly at 12:00pm.

Nate French Adagios
Kerri Madden Adagios
Dawn Christensen Adagios
Paul Neuburger Adagios
Happy Dave Adagios
Dan Witt Adagios
Lorraine Hamilton Adagios
Ray Ostertag Adagios
Jane Neuburger Adagios
Leland Warren Adagios
Nate N Adagios
Dick Harden Adagios
Grizz Adagios
Mary Ellen Mills Adagios
Todd Rachwal Adagios
Cory Wayman- TD Adagios
Sean P. Cedarvale/Fitz
Justen Vos Cedarvale/Fitz
Myke Zurn Cedarvale/Fitz
Bryan Stanton Cedarvale/Fitz
Bradley Sargent Cedarvale/Fitz
Deb O’Connell Cedarvale/Fitz
Paul Baumgard Cedarvale/Fitz
David Chapa Cedarvale/Fitz
Greg Born Cedarvale/Fitz
Mike Renlund Cedarvale/Fitz
Dwayne Garwood Cedarvale/Fitz
Jarrod Loerzel Cedarvale/Fitz
Dean LeMieux Caspers
Jerry Wielenga Caspers
Julie Kaser Caspers
Zack Ostertag Caspers
Jason Leurquin Caspers
Tyler Chambers Caspers
Paul Holtan Caspers
Chuck Young Caspers
Donna Burns- TD Caspers
Randy Burns- TD Caspers
Michael P Nelson Palmer Lake VFW
Craig Tekse Palmer Lake VFW
Murray Herstein Palmer Lake VFW
Keith L Palmer Lake VFW
Nic Mcbride- TD Palmer Lake VFW
Wade Maki Biffs Sunday
Tabitha Wood Biffs Sunday
Aaron Villebrun Biffs Sunday
War Bear Biffs Sunday
Joe Brezinka Biffs Sunday
Alicia Beedy Biffs Sunday
Sadie Pendaz Biffs Wednesday
Ken Mounger Biffs Wednesday
JD Parker Biffs Wednesday
Mick M Biffs Wednesday
Ernie Christensen Biffs Wednesday
Randy Messner Biffs Wednesday
Tennessee Biffs Wednesday
Chris Funk Biffs Wednesday
Juan Cairo Biffs Wednesday
Justin H Biffs Wednesday
Harry Musil- TD Biffs Wednesday
Mike Flynn Biffs Friday
Glenn Brown Biffs Friday
Jannell Brown Biffs Friday
David Beedy Biffs Friday
Carol Brown Biffs Friday
David Rathke Biffs Friday
Randy T Biffs Friday
Tom Evans Biffs Friday
Nate Nguyen Biffs Friday
Sarah Osborn Biffs Friday
Bob Beran Invictus Brewing/Tipsy Steer
Bob Watson Invictus Brewing/Tipsy Steer
Kevin Grams Invictus Brewing/Tipsy Steer
Chris Funk- TD Invictus Brewing/Tipsy Steer

Heads Up Poker Tournament on Sunday 3/17/19 @ 1 pm

Hosted by: Invictus Brewing Co. & The Tipsy Steer

Take your opponent out, and move on to the next round. Lose and become a railbird. Play continues until there is only 1 person left standing. Field is limited to 64 players, who will play one on one, bracket style. A consolation game will be available to the first 18 players to sign up.

Registration or this event will only be accepted via email to

$200 max prize pool, based on 40-person minimum registrants.

1st place – $100   2nd place – $60   3rd place – $30   Concey – $10

Register now before the event fills up!

For more details or to register email:


The top 30% of point earners from each nightly tournament at each location will be qualified to participate in the Region Qualifier for our State Tournament. The lists of those who qualified are below. Each of the links below will take you to the page with the details of each tournament as well as the list of those who qualified.

If you cannot make your designated regional and wish to attend an alternate, you may contact us via Direct Message on Twitter, Facebook message, by emailing or by texting/calling Crystal Kempf at 651-295-6854. You MUST notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend a different regional event. Same day requests will NOT be approved.

The winner of each Regional Qualifier event will receive a $500 bonus chip for the State Tournament. If someone qualifies for multiple Regionals and wins multiple Regional Tournaments, they will receive a $500 bonus chip for each tournament they win. Bar Champions are eligible to receive these bonus chips in addition to any bonus chips earned for being the Champion of more than on location.

The State Tournament will be held on Sunday, April 28, 2019 at Running Aces Casino. Registration will begin at 10:00am and the tournament will begin promptly at 12:00pm.

Clubs Region qualifier will be hosted by White Bear on Sunday, January 13, 2019 at 12pm (includes Barnboard, Big Guy’s, Schuggy’s, and White Bear Bar)

Diamonds Region qualifier will be hosted by Chanhassen American Legion on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 7pm (includes Chanhassen Legion, Medina, Detour 19, PourHouse)

Spades Region qualifier will be hosted by Casper’s On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 7pm (includes Adagio’s Casper’s, Cedarvale Fitz’s, Palmer Lake VFW, and Biff’s)

Hearts Region qualifier will be hosted by Park Place Sports Bar on Saturday, January 19, 2019 at 12pm (includes Carbone’s Cottage Grove, Country Nites, Park Place, Jersey’s, Willie’s)

Unless noted below, all games will be played as regularly scheduled:
12/24/18 – Christmas Eve: ALL GAMES CANCELLED
12/25/18 – Christmas Day: ALL GAMES CANCELLED
12/31/18 – New Years Eve: ALL GAMES CANCELLED
1/1/19 – New Years Day: No game at Schuggy’s American Grill & Taphouses in WI, games are on at White Bear Bar and Jersey’s Bar & Grill